Spirit Duplicators, Stencil Mimeographs, Ditto Machines -
these were the personal copying technology of the 20th Century,
at least until wet and dry photocopiers became cheap. Maybe you recall
the distinct smell of mimeo ink from the still-damp purple-stained test
sheets that you got from your teachers in grade school? If so, or
better still, if you are a fan of this old technology and have a machine
that you want to get running again, then perhaps you will find this
collection of documents of value. I don't normally deal in Ditto/Mimeo
documentation, but I do occasionally acquire some in the pursuit of the
Operation O.O.P.R.A.P. Project,
and these I'll scan and offer here for
the edification of whoever finds it useful. Currently, I have documentation
available for Speed-O-Print,
Copy-Rite and
Rex-O-Graph duplicators.
Much Love and Groovy Vibes, RRTM