ITAM is shaping up to be Royally Awesome!

2014-02-08-a 2014-02-08-b 2014-02-08-c IMG_3645 2014-02-08-d IMG_3647 2014-02-08-e

This Guy!

This Guy!


Sigh,  just got around to skinning that Galaxie I picked up the other day for it's ZEP bath. Like that's gonna get done now that I have a Model O to play with.

Sigh, just got around to skinning that Galaxie I picked up the other day for it’s ZEP bath. Like that’s gonna get done now that I have a Model O to play with.

2014-02-08-g IMG_3647-typesample

The random things typed on sheets of paper used as test sheets in thrifted typers always amuses me. Gabby, who likes french fries, also liked this Royal Model O, but didn't grab it when she had the chance. Ya snooze, ya lose, Gabby!

The random things typed on sheets of paper used as test sheets in thrifted typers always amuses me. Gabby, who likes french fries, also liked this Royal Model O, but didn’t grab it when she had the chance. Ya snooze, ya lose, Gabby!

IMG_3647-random2 IMG_3647-random3

Updated: February 8, 2014 — 5:02 pm


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  1. Great find. Congratulations! and only $9.98!!!
    Your wish sound like mine. I don’t remember who featured the Gold Royal on their blog. but it went to the top of my list even though I probably will never find one. If I do it will probably be out of my price range. Hope you find one.

  2. Nine ninety-eight. A bargain, despite its flaws, which I’m sure are a cakewalk for you. Good luck with the hunt for the ’48 QDL, too. You just never know.

  3. Excellent find, good sir! I wish I stumbled across such things with such ease!

  4. Someone’s on an ITAM roll. Congratulations!

  5. That’s pretty amazing. I hope I get a chance to see it next week.

  6. Definitely something I would have picked up for that price too.

  7. Fantastic! I love these typewriters. Good find.

  8. Great find! A Royal “O” was the machine that started me down the path of typer temptation, and I won’t part with it. It’s just too pretty. Mine suffers a bit from the soft left-margin, but considering its age, I can excuse it. The Ruskie hunk of plastic can’t hold a candle to this.

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