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  1. Poor old fancy typeslugs, that Cartoon would be such fun. The Corona manual is ace, thanks for making it available. SO much great stuff in there.

  2. I’ve wondered that myself. I think you have a reasonable hypothesis there.

  3. Interesting ad for California Retyping. You may be right that unpopular typefaces got whacked off.

  4. I’ve wondered the same thing for a very long time. The typefaces you mention are the ones I’ve been searching for minus cartoon.

  5. “Type The Clouds” would love that Cartoon typeface!

  6. I remember when I couldn’t wait to get a Selectric and start buying new fonts. I eventually collected 12-15 different fonts. Now I am hooked on Brother Daisy Wheels, and when I see one I don’t have, I want it. But at prices from $24 to $45, I think twice. Brother has two types, an older one with a tongue on the back with a little mound near the end, which centers the type wheel in the clear case. The newer style does not have the tongue. I found that I can cut the tongue out, and the old style will work in newer machines with no problem.

  7. Perhaps the typeface catacombs is in one of those ’50s era household bomb shelters. ‘Tis a lovely image :)

  8. I’m a beginner at this, interested in the design and history of typefaces in early typewriter days, up to the 1960s (when I took my typing class). What is NOMDA? I’m fascinated by the variety in fonts available for these typewriters — is there someplace I can find out the history and lore of how they were designed, and by whom?

    1. National Office Machine Dealer’s Association. (:

  9. Nice read! Me and my colleague are working on a project connected to Facit and their visual communication. As part of the project we’re looking deeper in to some of the type faces that Facit used on their machines. For example we find Plakat 10 and Favorit 24 very interesting letter forms. When it comes to Plakat we know that Ransmayer and Rodrian designed that typeface and Facit ordered the font from them. But we’re still clueless when it comes to where the Favorit 24 font originates from. Ransamayer and Rodrian has a version called Toronto RO 44, that looks very similar but differ on the details where we think Favorit 24 is much nicer design. Anyone here who know what company designed that type face?

  10. Wow, your blog is an amazing source of inspiration, also for type designers!
    I am interested in all those specimens, is there any chance to get a look at this selection: http://munk.org/projects/ooprap/typefaces.html ?

    Thank you so much for all the great content.


    1. You’d have to join Typewriter Database and become a Typewriter Hunter to access the TWDB file library. Most of those Font resources are in that library for download:

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