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  1. Such an attractive and readable column — typecasters, take note!

    Wishing you a serene and wondrous 2022.

  2. Have a great 2022!

  3. Dear Ted

    The “disjointed” typecast went right to the heart! 😊

    I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous new year…and PLEASE keep up this good and very important work!

    Yours sincerely

    Jesper T

  4. My 2022 will indeed be more about reaping the rewards of having collected well. Instead of hours spent tinkering and cleaning, it’s time to enjoy what started my craze in the first place, writing meaningful thoughts on old interesting typewriters. Happy New Year, Ted. You’re a HUGE part of what made my 2021 good. Thank you!!!

  5. Ted, I was just making good use of one of your published service manuals this morning — then to find your new year’s post linked on facebook — a perfect moment to thank you for everything you’ve done to foster the enjoyment and preservation of these wonderful machines. Wishing you all the best in this new year with no lowercase l’s in the number.

  6. You and Tori, Have a very great 2022!!!

  7. You’re making me miss my Charger 11! The niece still has it. I’m secretly hoping she’ll lose interest, but then I realize what a shame it is to think that. I really hope she continues to enjoy it. Do you have a Canon D9000 in your collection? It’s better known as the Scamera, a super cheap, super light point and shoot with a lead weight in the body. It makes for a good lomography camera. Oh, and it’s not made by Canon, obviously. Happy New Year, sir! I am thrilled you are enjoying Type Pals and Typewriter Club LIVE.

  8. We all deserve a good disjointed typecast every now and then. Thanks for all you do Rev. Happy new year.

  9. Thanks for all you do and Happy New Year!

  10. Thank you, Ted, I enjoyed this post. I’m reading it while on type and talk, ha ha. Appreciate the sentiments and the words. Appreciate you in the typosphere in my life. Here’s to 2022, whatever it brings!

  11. Let it rain…May God’s blessings be upon you.

  12. Happy New Year, dear typecaster!
    Best wishes for this new year :-)

  13. I’m late catching up on activity around the typosphere, but after reading this entry I am glad that I’ve taken the time to do so. Know that I’m grateful for our exchanges in 2021 be they via the USPS or Zoom and I look forward to more of the same in 2022. It sounds as if there will be no shortage of interesting content on your blog this coming year. Wishing you all the best. (Kudos to Tori for lending her love and support to a most noble cause, I certainly hope that the dog is continuing on into 2022.)

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