10th Phoenix Type-In Report: A Good Time Had By All! :D

Joe, having a craft beer between video segment shooting. The “Bar” in “First Draft Book Bar” is *not* metaphorical. (:

Joe interviewing Bob Marshall from Typewriter Muse

At Type-Ins, the photographer gets pictures of the tops of people’s heads, bowed before the typewriters. Excuse any focus issues, please – I for some reason thought that it would be fun to bring a camera with an all-manual 55mm prime lens, so in the venue I had to shoot with the aperture wide open, so very thin focus range. :D

Brian and Kristy, grading the Speed Typing contest results.

I brought 2 Olympia SM3’s, and skinned one, so people could see how the insides dance around when they type. It inspired *someone*, as I found the below near the machine after the event.

Um, no. (:

A new podcast launched today, where the pod interviews typewriter repair pros. First episode’s on Phoenix’s own Duane Jensen, worth a listen!

Updated: September 29, 2024 — 12:00 pm


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  1. Oh what fun! Your Type-Ins in Phoenix are always epic! Sorry we missed it this year.

    1. We missed you! (and Gregory, but he’s coming by later).. (:

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