When the current “keychopper” drama on the PTF broke onto the Typosphere via Adowa’s post on Retro Tech Geneva, I made a snarky comment about Typerati Secret Police ninjas that later prompted this little vignette:
…and then there’s this little snippet which I’d typed up on Einstein a day or two before – completely unrelated, but on the same page as The Secret Policeman. I often re-utilize the same sheet of paper in different machines, and the result is invariably a different train of thought. Those who contend that different typewriters don’t have different voices are just whistlin’ dixie, baby!
A cautionary tale for those who might take the keychopping issue too far. I wrote a story like that in high school, but it involved chocolate chip cookies. Priorities change, as the years wear on.
Honestly, that kind of noir writing style has become a rare thing. I try (ongoing sense of the word) to capture that flavor without getting so messy with the details that nothing is left tot he imagination.
I thought it a bit more to the Spillane side. Excellent either way though.
Now I’m intrigued. It’s probably blasphemy, but I have to admit I’ve never read Raymond Chandler or Mickey Spillane. I was more of an Ellery Queen and Agatha Christie sort of mystery reader…
Hahaha! I think I missed this the first time around. Just saw it thanks to your reference over on DHIATENSOR. It is completely inhumane and completely delightful.