Mail Call: Die-Cut Envelopes Ahoy!

A letter in my mailbox last night from Sue M, who mentioned in a comment on last post that her strange envelope might have gotten stuck in the mail – turns out it’s just fine! I examined the envelope when I got it, the size and construction, and came to the conclusion that it had been die-cut from a printed letter-sized sheet. I had found a much smaller such die-cutter at a thrift store last week, which I’ve been using to make *teeny tiny* envelopes with *teeny tiny* letters and including them in some Correspondences. Highly inefficient, that – antithesis to the efficiency of my newest stationery choices, but I appreciate the techniques. Of course, my efficiency has ensured that the return letter is already written and headed to the mailbox tonight! The Alphasmart Dana is still going strong 6 days short of a *whole month* on the first charge of the AlphaAverage battery. Battery indicator shows just over half a charge left and I’ve not noticed drastic hockeysticking, so I have confidence that it’ll last more than a month before needing to be recharged. Pretty dang good for a Dana! (: Currently in the earholes:

Updated: June 4, 2024 — 9:51 am


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  1. I just got one of them in my latest letter! With a wax seal & everything! I had no idea typewriters could type that small!
    Thanks for sending me a few; Best believe you’ll get one in my latest letter!

  2. That Curtiss graphic is to die for!

    1. I just printed some on labels. Looks a lot duller in CMYK, but I’ll send ya some. /:

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