Mail Call: Adventures in Stereo!

A Box full of cassette tapes? Well, that’s part of it – the cream and strawberry on top, if you will. Underneath the tapes – this well-padded rectangle of tingly anticipation… Tada! A rebuilt Marantz PMD-430 Stereo Cassette Field Recorder! :D Quick comparison between the Marantz PMD-430 and Marantz PMD-201. Same basic dimensions as they share a basic chassis. My PMD-201 is a bit *heavier* than the PMD-430, but I think that’s because the 201 is older than the 430. I was initially surprised that the 430 lacked internal microphones like the 201 has, but it makes sense if you consider the different kinds of recording each was made for. Example: While each has a line-level in and out, the 430 has beefy 1/4″ mic jacks for high-quality field mics, while the 201 has a 1/8″ jack with a remote jack, like you’d find on a shoebox recorder. It’s meant for table mics with a pause switch. It also has a *phone jack* so you can record a phone interview. Of course, those delicious, sexy round VU meters. Yummy! Some other differences include the pitch control. The 430 has about 8% either way in pitch control, while the 201 has 20% plus a switch to cut the motor to half-speed. The 430 also has 3 heads, so you can monitor the tape directly while recording, while the 201 just has 2 heads. You have more limiter envelope choices with the 201, but the 430 has fancy DBX noise reduction. Apparently all of my D-Cells are too dead to run this thing. Runs good on wall power, though, so I know it’s allright. I’ll have to get new D-Cells before I can take it out in the field. I hate eating up D-Cells, though, so I have an idea about using a USB power brick to run it. More on that later… So yay! I can record and play stereo cassettes again! The Aphexian, who supplied me with this tasty bit of kit also raided his tape stash for some select choices for me to use in the deck:
1) A pair of ever-reliable TDK D90’s
2) One Maxell UDII Chrome Cassette
3) One Maxell XLII Chrome Cassette (big fave)
4) FIVE TDK DS-X90’s (Type I but allegedly amazing frequency response – excited to try ’em!)

Updated: July 28, 2024 — 4:21 am


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  1. You lucky dog; The thing’s I’d do for a deck like that!
    (Especially considering the deck I just got kicked the bucket…)
    I imagine all your Tape Pals are pretty jealous of that swanky recorder!

    1. heh, I was jealous because *they* already have this recorder. :D I was just catching up!

  2. Congrats!

  3. That looks a nice bit of kit. Congratulations!

    I love the VU meters.

    1. You know it! Marantz made smart-lookin’ black brick decks in the 80’s/90’s. (:

  4. Woohoo, the Marantz landed and earned it’s own blog post. Hope it compares to your old Superscope. Don’t let my secret out about the TDK DS-X tapes actually containing superferric TDK AR tape inside! Shhh…. :) I’m actually currently working on packing up the AC adapter I’m sending over. -Mitchell

    1. Well, already one point better, because the Superscope was the old 1970’s Marantz design – about twice the size pf the PMDs. (:

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