Month: August 2024

Digitizin’ The Last of my Interview Tapes

These last tapes cover interviews with the Brother between 2011 and 2013 plus some 2018 tapes. I’ve had luls in the recording sessions, times when I didn’t have a good recorder or periods like when Covid started and then the restrictions were largely lifted. This, however is the whole enchilada of the Brother Project (so […]

A Plan Has Been Laid…

Last night’s Movie In The Eyeholes: Altman’s “The Long Goodbye“. Like every other Altman film, it’s muddled and somewhat incoherent on first watch because of often ad-libbed and overlapping dialogue, but worth a second watch to really get what’s going on. Weird choice of having all the in-universe music just be different renditions of the […]

More Kaiju Composers!

WoC: “Mothra” 1972 IBM Selectric Composer #5016537 Reminder for me how the ribbon winds onto the spools and which way is “top”. Trust me, I did it wrong *TWICE* :D Way back in 2015, I picked up a working Selectric Composer which I named “Mothra”, and at the time I think it was probably the […]