Currently in the Eyeholes: Dark City

Better than I remember, maybe because I watched the Theatrical Cut before, not the Director’s Cut. I felt compelled to put it on after a review by a Typospherian (can’t find it now or remember who) on his blog and also one on Ty and That Guy in the same month. Too much of a coincidence to ignore, like the Universe telling me something. Hopefully not that I live on a space station run by alien squids, having someone else’s memories injected into my brain via syringe every night. It’s yet another movie where William Hurt doesn’t make it to the end – he’s got a kind of Sean Bean thing going on with his roles. Also, Jennifer Connelly as a 1940’s nightclub singer – ohh, la la! – try the Director’s Cut for her actual singing voice rather than the overdubbed vocal. Recommended! :D

Currently in the Eyeholes:

Updated: August 24, 2024 — 4:08 pm

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