Digitizin’ The Last of my Interview Tapes

These last tapes cover interviews with the Brother between 2011 and 2013 plus some 2018 tapes. I’ve had luls in the recording sessions, times when I didn’t have a good recorder or periods like when Covid started and then the restrictions were largely lifted. This, however is the whole enchilada of the Brother Project (so far). Ooh! Here’s an interesting tape in the todo pile – This was when Typospherian Notagain came by and we had a mini-Type-In at my favorite Tiki Bar (favorite because it was just down the street and they were great people) before it burned down. Oh, hey! I don’t remember this mystery tape, so I must have picked it up at a thrift store and tossed it in the todo drawer. No branding or serial number, just a generic C-90 Compact Cassette. On the label is pencil-written (upside down, no less) “Applesauce Coke” on one side, and “Tausy Says OK–” on the other. Can’t wait to hear this one.. :D Currently in the Eyeholes (recommended by Gregory S.)

Updated: August 31, 2024 — 8:16 am


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  1. Oh, cool! You watched it. I hope you enjoyed it. I’ll probably be watching it again soon. Not yet sure where it falls in my favorite movies, but it’s way up there.

    1. as a desert rat, it’s relatable. There’s that one short part where it looks like it’s going to go full Lynchian… and then it doesn’t. That was a fun play on expectations. :D

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