Mail Call: Rich & Mitch in the Mail!

Two letters in the mail tonight, both from the Great State of Ohio. Richard P writes of the days of the Bush Papers and being called on for his expertise on propotionally spacing typewriters, which reminded me of being visited by a couple of County detectives wanting me to invalidate Obama’s birth certificate on typographical issues – which is to say WTF? Why is the County burning police resources on this kind of baloney anyway? Grrr. Sorry, I erupt like that on occasion for reasons that seem reasonable to me, and sometimes the extreme weirdness of the world can trigger an episode. Speaking of Episodes, Richard and Mitchell will be getting Episodes 12 and 6 respectively, respectfully and rapidly. RRR – I’ve been keeping my eye out for that DVD – no luck so far, but I did find these today at Goodwill. Nice, fat 2-Disc Widescreen editions full of delicious Extras and sometimes multiple tracks of commentary. Grabbing it all for the Jellyfin, and I’ve been figuring out the organizational structure that Jellyfin likes in order to do things like having multiple versions of films all under one listing. Movies like the David Lynch “Dune” from 1984 benefit from this, allowing me to choose whether I want to watch the Theatrical cut, the “Alan Smithee” TV cut or the SpiceDiver FanEdit. Blade Runner, too – There’s like 3 versions of that which I like to have available – yes, even the Theatrical cut with the voiceover. I have a version of that rendered in Black & White, and it’s fun to pretend it’s a 1930’s Noir film and then Ford’s voiceover isn’t so jarring. Mitchell F writes his letter with a couple of fancy schmancy fountain pens. Glad I’m old enough to be able to read cursive, not too hard as his handwriting is very even and readable. I don’t often get handwritten letters. Just don’t expect one back – my chicken scratch is too slow and becomes illegible at any worthwhile speed. Just never had the co-ordination or attention span for it. Typewriters and typewriter-like-devices are my bag! :D Mitchell recounts his recent visit to TB Writers Plus to grab a Skyriter from Trevor. He shot pictures on film and sent some prints as well! I feel like someone’s racked up a buncha fines for this one. Turns out, the episodes are in French anyway, so I may just drop this at the main library just down the street where it came from.

Updated: June 7, 2024 — 11:37 pm


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  1. Great photos from Mitch!

    1. Thanks Joe, been having a lot of fun! -Mitch

    2. Yuh, he slings that Nikon FA pretty slick! (:

  2. Ted, just a note here from out of the blue to say thank you. I’ve been working this weekend on a Feb. 1956 Remington Quiet-Riter, just a beautiful machine, but the caps and lowercase letters weren’t aligning. I spent some time perusing (and enjoying) the owner comments on TWDB and when I came to yours, I found you had added a photo and description of where the adjusters are for this machine. Five minutes later I had my Quiet-Riter working perfectly. So when you took the trouble to add that photo and caption, you saved me a lot of time and helped put another vintage machine back into the ranks of good working typewriters. Here’s to you, Ted, and to the Internet’s long tail.

    1. Oh yeah – I remember being impressed by the ease of getting at that adjustment. Glad it was helpful to you! (:

  3. Oh yeah, those Arizona Kops who were trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya … they contacted me, too. They weren’t honest about it; they vaguely said they were checking on some records, and sent me a snippet of the (uselessly lo-res) image of Obama’s birth certificate. I looked up their names and found they were buddies with the delightful Sheriff Arpaio.

    I suppose at least they were trying to do forensic research and dig up some evidence, unlike these days when propaganda is widely believed in the absence of any evidence at all …

    1. I have no choice but to be conflicted about Arpaio – he’s certainly a … well, let’s say “a piece of work”, but he also is a typewriter user – Duane keeps his fleet of SCM electric typebar machines going. It’s difficult to reconcile the contradiction.

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