On the events of this weekend…

I’ve been seeing more Criterion Collection films since The Brother’s been bringing them over. His picks have been relevant to my state of mind lately – probably magnifying my ennui.

When the night is at it’s most quiet, I can hear Death. I am very proud of my sadness because it means I am more alive

Currently in the eyeholes: (I feel ya, Bill…)

Yeah, Hertzfeldt is this guy. You’ll get over it:

Updated: July 16, 2024 — 3:40 pm


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  1. You summed up and expressed my thoughts and feelings exactly. I wish I wasn’t so numb.

  2. You are not alone there, my good man…

  3. I feel the same way. To be frank, I just kinda don’t care about the news. There’s never any good news, so why pay attention? It’ll just put you in a bad mood. Same thing with politics. Politics bring nothing but pain & sorrow I’ve found, all they do is divide people. I think about politics & the news as seldomly a possible; You lead a much happier life that way.

    Also, I didn’t know you were a Don Hertzfeld fan!

  4. With you on that. The news tends to send me straight down the depression slide. Keep having to fight myself from digging out my copy of Piers Brendon’s *The Dark Valley*, because I’m going to start picking out parallels…

    There are just times where you need to disengage, drop yourself into a meta-world and at least pretend to escape…

  5. I just wanted to comment that I too love Hertzfeldt animations. -Mitchell

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