In my thrifting runs, I run into a lot of Tatum Buddy model staplers, but the other Tatum models occur less frequently – so this shiny chrome Secretary certainly caught my eye on the thrift store shelf. For $2 it was mine! :D
The Tatum Secretary opens for tacking and loads staples in a manner similar to common Swinglines. Friction latches hold things closed, so you just pull to open.
Two-position sliding anvil for interfold and exterfold stapling.
Designed in April of 1950 by Herbert W. Marano
Just came home with the thrift store with one of these, only in hammertone grey. Naturally the first thing that pops up on Google is this very blog post! Nice little stapler, tho. Looks very slim and sleek.
heh, just saw that on Facebook. Nice score! (: