Weapon of Choice: “Little Jake”, 1933 Monarch (Remington) Remie Scout Model
Little Jake on RoamCam 4 during this week’s Typewriter Club Vlogcast.
Weapon of Choice: “Little Jake”, 1933 Monarch (Remington) Remie Scout Model
Little Jake on RoamCam 4 during this week’s Typewriter Club Vlogcast.
I’d rather have a tabulator than a number 1 key. Then all that really matters is that the typewriter works and is nice touse.
These TW Club meetups are very fun. Thank you for making them what they are.
Thank you as well! Hope we get a full Hollywood Squares/Brady Bunch next one. :D
Gregory ought to pump in the Brady Bunch theme music.
I used to care about tabs, now I don’t. A 1 key, though, I’ve never cared about. Why have one, when the l will serve just as well?
I want all the characters to be aligned to the baseline and properly spaced. All else is secondary.
Heck, for me even the alignment is secondary, if it’s off in an ascetically pleasing way. Mothra for instance has output that looks like old Letraset rub-on lettering, which I like enough to not try to tune it out.
Typewriter Club looks like fun!
Hi, I’ve recently purchased a Remington Rand typewriter but don’t know what model or anything it is, I tried looking up the serial number in your database but couldn’t find it was wondering if you or anyone could be any help. I hope you don’t mind me posting here I’ve tried extensively to find a contact page or private email to no avail so thought I’d give this a shot. xx
and yet you do not provide the serial number, which is the one clue that would answer your question?
sorry spent so long trying to find an answer forgot to ask the question properly Serial No. B1756604
If it is a Deluxe Model 5 “1941 Line”, then it’s probably 1950, assuming that post-Syracuse production started where Syracuse production ended.
Thank you!!!!!