Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 4 Cassette Arrives!

The Tape Pals cassette has arrived! That’s a good hour and a half of listening and letter-reading. Time to SAVOR! (: Oops!, the theme of this round is actually “Interesting Stories“, as per Joe’s side of the tape. Maxell XLII High-Bias 90 #E061A6B4
USA-Made, May 06, 2001
Still recording fine with no dropouts or fade after 4 rounds of Tape Pals overtaping, plus some number of times I taped on it in the oughts when I bought it 23 years ago. That’s GOOD TAPE! :D Time to spruce up the box with a red satin liner! (: How To: Join in a Tape Pals 3-Way!
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 3 Cassette Arrives!
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 2 Arrives at JVC
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 2 Away
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 2 Marinates
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 2 Commences
Tape Pals 3-Way #2 Round 1 Originates Keep on keepin the date!

Updated: September 19, 2024 — 8:46 am


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  1. Looking forward to the tape! Of course, I’m not prepared with any material! As usual.

    Also, my wife hinted around that we are attending the Phoenix Type-In! It was her birthday and so I didn’t want to be out-of-town for that, so I canceled. But then she books a nice hotel down the street from the bookstore and gifts me a Type-In for her birthday! Ain’t she grand?!

    1. She is *very* grand! :D
      I have reason to believe that Gregory might show up as well, possibly some other surprise guests. PARRR-TAY!

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