Mail Call: A Package Full of Packages, and Much More!

The Remington Portable that Joe used for typing the actual letter. See video about him replacing the feed rollers here:
JoeCrafted Cards with Envelopes! A nice blank tape plus Joe’s audio letter recorded on his new Marantz PMD430. I’m glad he forced it to mono, because now I won’t feel so bad listening to it on a mono transcription machine. :D Joe’s new PMD430. I’m very jelly. (: A pocket notebook loaded with perforated, thick, soft paper. Hand feel very much like handmade high-cotton stock. Also a Model 3008 Fountain Pen to write in it with! A Fez Monkey that slots right into the middle of my existing collection. A fistful of Staedtler Norica HB2 pencils and Kodak Book’s “How To Take Winning Pictures”.

Three display cards of exhibits at the Albuquerque Museum, and most importantly – the LETTER! Fortunately, I have already started a box for him in return, starting with my first recorded Christmas Sermon, at age 7. Right about half a century ago, in fact.

Currently in the earholes:

Updated: February 5, 2024 — 10:16 pm


Add a Comment
  1. That was pretty quick shipping for the USPS!

  2. Congrats on all the fine gifts!

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