Dry Spell Creativity

No mail for a few days, and I have taken the spare time to have The Brother over for a movie swap and a recording session. Weapon of Choice: 1986 Canon TypeStar 4. Also had time to re-design all of my Correspondence Episodes for new paper and window envelopes. I’m running a bit low on the vintage Nekoosa Driftwood, so a change was warranted. Can even be mailed without an envelope! Unfold to find the Episode Liner Notes and the beginning of the letter itself! Now I have a whole blank page to type on! This also necessitated the creation of new ArtCiphers. Four more to go! Currently in the earholes:

Updated: June 2, 2024 — 11:58 pm


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  1. You are a creative dynamo!

    A note from me is going in the mail today.

  2. Sent mail your way a week ago. My funky envelope make have gotten stuck somewhere along the way!

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