Weapon of Choice: 1959 Smith Corona Skyriter #3Y 210063 An unused Wilson-Jones A5 binder from 2000 that I picked up recently at the thrifts. Perfect for archiving EDCN, Franklin-Covey and DayTimer 7-Ring punched sheets! I found the original sales receipt in the front pocket. Love this sort of time-capsule documentation. Also recently found a Daytimer 7-Ring organizer in black leather, perfect condition, with the original, unused 1994 DayTimer System filler sheets still in it. $2 I’ll pay any day, as these vintage DayTimers and Franklin-Covey organizers can command upwards of $45-$50 on Ebay. Crazy! Currently in the earholes:
Sunday nights? I only knew about the Saturday night gathering. Maybe I should just fire up OBS and hang 24/7!
OH wait, did I say Sunday night? no – I meant the Saturday night ones.
Good times on Saturday nights… but I miss watching the Sunday re-runs on YouTube. Sending good visions to Gregory while on his quest…
Just discovered these a month or so ago. Always fun. Thanks for sharing ☺️
I love those time capsule bonuses. I buy a lot of books from thrift shops. Always fun to see what people used as a bookmark. How far they read into it. Or notes they took if it’s an educational book.
Nice finds. I have a Covey classic that I’ve been using for decades.