Mail Call: A Letter, A Zine & A Bit of Nice Cine…

In tonight’s mail, a letter and some photos from Mitchell F. This is an interstitial Correspondence, or at least it feels like it, because it discusses the Tape Pals 3-Way Cassette, which he will have gotten from Joe just days after he sent this letter to me. Circular patterns in the postal system, ships passing in the aurora-lit night. The elite print of his Tower Commander is impeccably clean and clear, with a line weight I only have on an Olympia SM7. I’m a fan of thicker elites and thinner picas. Also in the mail, the newest ETCetera magazine – a nice, thick double-issue again. Also checked a Goodwill – a few more movies and a TV show for the Jellyfin. I’ve sneakily started moving the household to the idea of hitting the local server for something to watch rather than drilling through the trash on streaming services. We’ve shed a few of them, the least relevant. We’ve got a couple free streaming channels like the Public Library one to hit when we want random churn of strange foreign flicks and the classic serial TV shows. Currently in the earholes:

Updated: May 22, 2024 — 9:23 pm


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  1. You called it 100%. I received the tape pals package just yesterday! -Mitchell

  2. Good to know I’m not the only one that doesn’t jive with streaming services. Don’t tell anyone, but I mostly pirate the media I consume nowadays, everything except for music. “If buying isn’t owning, Piracy isn’t stealing.”

    1. Yeah, I’m sorta on a physical media kick, and since DVDs are $1-$2 each at thrifts and used record stores and I can rip all them tasty commentary tracks and featurettes so the Jellyfin can play them (usually not included if one sails the shady seas). Also, some of them have DVD-ROM content that is sometimes fun to check out on an old XP machine. Feels legit (:

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