About The Right Reverend Theodore Munk

Hello! I am the Right Reverend Theodore Munk, and I am pleased to meet you. This blog is mainly a chronicle of my adventures in collecting typewriters, with occasional forays into non-typewriterly content, as long as it is typecast.

Non-typewriterly things I am involved with can be found on my main site: munk dot org, where you will find links to:

  • Secret Society Wars, a web-based MMORPG that I created and serve in as Emperor of The Universe. Closed for sabbatical in 2012 and re-opened in 2015, and is now back to being dead as of 2017.
  • Boozerbear dot com, which is where I post my musings and history as a character in another MMORPG, the far more popular Kingdom of Loathing. Typecasts can be found there wherein I reported from the trenches of the brutal, week-long KOL Con 7. This content is old.
  • And other links of interest to those who want to discover the rich history behind the Man, The Legend, The Right Reverend Theodore Munk.


  1. Hello, Reverend Munk! May I say that it was great having met you, Tori and the three wonderful Hermes typewriters this past Saturday at the Phoenix Type-In. I took a look at the pictures you posted and they were all great. Thanks for remembering my name! It was very exciting to have met everyone on Saturday. I am looking forward to the next one. Thanks again to you and Tori for being so nice and wonderful and for letting me type on your precious ones. :)

  2. I just found your site and I’m green with envy over all the fun typewriters. What fun to have a get-together and admire everyone’s typewriters. I have a lovely 1964 Olympia Deluxe (SM7 cursive). I’m hoping to collect a couple older models in the future. Keep up the good work here. I’ve added your site to my favorites.

  3. I want to share information about typewriter platen recovering in Europe.

  4. Eveline Theobald, of Office Machine Mechanic Master, will recover standard platens for 87 euros and portable platens for 82 euros, plus shipping and she needs your core. So that is the euro cost plus shipping two ways. You would think that someone here in the US could do it much cheaper. You can contace Eveline at evelinetheobald@gmx.de or check out her web site at http://www.schreibmaschinehaus.de .

    1. There’s a typo in that link – it should be
      (with an extra “n” in there).

  5. hey just wanted to say thanks for posting the images of the manual for the Hermes 3000. I found mine at a garage sale in flawless condition complete with the case cover, brushes and accessories, just no manual.

  6. Could I possibly rent a typewriter from you? I’m not looking to buy one, I just need one for a day or two.

  7. I’d also like to say thanks for posting images of the manual for the Hermes 3000. However, it seems that several of the scanned images have suffered from bit rot. In particular, the image for “page_07” (which is actually numbered 6 in the upper left corner) is corrupted somewhere around the middle, and the images for “page_14” and “page_15” are missing entirely. It would be great if you could fix these problems.

    Thanks, again.

    1. Fixed image #7, the others seem ok when I view them.

  8. I just bought a Royal Safari that has a serial number lower than the lowest on your list(5584967). The serial on my machine is 5394001. If I cross check the serials on other models this machine was built in 1963. I didnt know where else to share this info so I hope this is good enough.

  9. Munk,
    I have a 63 Royal Empress manual I am trying to get back in operation. There is a foam product on the bottom of the carriage cover that is disintegrating. What does it do and how do I get it off and does it need to be replaced??? Any other tips or advice on this machine. It belonged to my father in law._____John

    1. It’s just soundproofing foam. scrape it off and replace it with sticky-back craft felt available at any craft supply store. Good luck! (:

  10. Hi there; thanks for your great blog, on which I’ve just read your piece about Goodwill beginning to become more of an electronic retailer… which reminded me that there’s a brand new and big Salvation Army store nearby that I haven’t checked out yet.

    I’d like to ask if you’d put a link to our blog – Davis Typewriter Works – in your link list. We have you in our blog roll and would sure love a link-back since you seem to have one of the most authoritative link lists of typewriter blogs. We’ve had that blog since July 2010 and it does get updated from time to time. Thanks for the consideration!

    -Will Davis

    1. There’s a glaring oversight, thanks for tapping my shoulder about it! I’ve added a link to my blogroll for Davis Typewriter Works, and thank you for the link to mine (:

  11. I just purchased a Hermes 3000 through Ebay. It appears to be in perfect condition. However, I cannot unlock the carriage return. I have followed the directions on page 2 of my manual – pushing the carriage unlock lever on the right side while pushing the carriage return lever, to no avail. I am new to typewriter collecting but this is the first time I have encountered this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. There are two silver levers – one on each side of the carriage next to the round, green buttons that release the carriage. Pull these towards you and try to move the carriage. These are the Margin Release levers. If you look at the paper bail, you should see a red line inside of it that indicates where the margins are set. If the have been set to the extreme inner position, the carriage will seem as if it’s locked.

      Try that. (:

      1. I have tried what you suggested and that did not free the carriage either. When I press the margin release buttons, it sounds like something is releasing , but the carriage does not move either direction.

        1. Ok, of you’re hearing the sound and seeing the red lines in the paper bail move, then the margin release is ok. Next, try looking for a small silver lever on the right side of the carriage, the *lowest* one, and fiddle with that. That is the Carriage Lock. pull it up and see if that frees the carriage up.

  12. Dear Rev. Munk
    Do you know what the name of the font is of the Smith Corona 1959 Smith-Corona Sterling Super-5? Below are the first few pages of my novel in which the typewriter, “Smitty,” and her 16 year old owner, Thayer, are introduced. Up till this morning “Thayer” thought naming her best friend “Smitty” was quite clever. Then she added “Corona” because it made it sound like a gangster from a 1930’s movie. Of course the need for a “middle name” came next and here we are.
    Any help you can give me will be appreciated. My bet is that it’s “courier” which would be cool (Smitty “The Courier” Corona). But it will be what it will be. “The Font” works as a tough guy middle name, but I’d love to be even more accurate.
    Thanks in advance for all your help.

    Richard “The Writer” Marcus

    Thayer closed the door to her bedroom, padded over to the enormous dark oak, roll top desk and sat down in front of the seafoam green,1959 Smith-Corona Sterling Super-5 (serial # 5A862417), which she had named “Smitty ‘The Font’ Corona.”
    She leaned over Smitty and flicked the “on” toggles connected to the noise cancellation units in the foam rubber baffling, one, attached to the back of her bedroom door and the other which swept the floor and walls. She nodded to herself, satisfied she wouldn’t disturb the rest of the house
    Thayer placed her fingers lightly on the white, marshmallow plump keys like a greeting; telling the squat, happy machine she was there. It was wired to know.
    The ancient desk’s gaping workspace was so huge and dark and Thayer so slim and, to be honest, close to boney, that it looked like a tiny child trustingly putting her hands into the enormous mouth and touching the flat wide teeth of a very patient hippo.
    She lifted her hands off the keys and from a neat stack plucked up a sheet of thick, creamy paper and positioned it precisely parallel with the back of Smitty’s platen, the black barrel, which did all the work.
    She then grasped the thin, white knob on the right side of the typewriter, turned it and smiled at hearing the ratcheting “click-click-click” of the cogwheels and sprockets as they rotated the barrel, making the paper disappear down into the back of the machine. Every time this happened it caused the tiniest catch in her chest that the sheet was really gone, never to appear again. Of course it always did, rising up like a perfect, white, rectangular sunrise behind the chrome silver bar of the paper bail.
    To Thayer, the “clickety-clickety-clack” of the keys, the type bars, those long metal, alien fingers with their alphabet fingerprints, hitting the black/red ribbon, then paper and platen with their “fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap…” the platen barrel’s cheerfully efficient “tickety-tickety-tickety-tickety-tickety,” as she pushed it back to it’s starting point and the deep “bong!” of the larger bell return her dad had installed, was more than just a Rube Goldberg piece of performance art to Thayer. She was the conductor and the levers, gears, springs and cables, pulling, shifting, was a metal shop orchestra playing virtually extinct sounds, vanished history and the fading wisdom of a far more tangible, concrete and dependable world. Long gone, that world. Long gone.

  13. Can’t log in, system doesn’t even recognize my email address

  14. I just browesed your new twdb. Fantastic! It is really necessary to continue Dirks database. I admire your innovations!
    A bit irritating for me: You say Mignon 3 name variant was “Vasanta”. I know Vasanta as a name variant of the Meteor.



  15. Hello,
    I’m trying to work about digitalisation of the font “Ambassador Type” (10-1 Pitch) on the machine R.C Allen Type styles.
    Do you know who had designed this font, when etc?
    If you know answers or if you know someone who could help me, thanks to tell me!

  16. This is a plea to enter my (mostly) typewriter related blog on your blogroll, as well as my location (Cool, CA) into the Typeosphere. I’ve loved typewriters since first using them in high school, and still have that original SM3, as well as a lovely Royal No. 10 acquired in about 1967. The typewriter disease, being latent until earlier this year, has now become fully expressed, the most obvious symptom being the acquisition of at least 38 more machines (please don’t tell m wife) which I have been blogging regularly. Being as there is no known cure, I submit that I am qualified me for addition to your lists. I would be honored. TonysVision at http://tonymindling.blogspot.com

    1. added you to my blogroll, but you’ll need to contact someone in the admin group of the Typosphere to be added to the map. I don’t have any powers there (:

  17. Thank you for posting a picture of the attachment point for the draw band of the Smith-Corona Silent. My daughter purchased one at a flea market, and we are trying to get it to work. Do you know how we would reattach a broken string to the main spring? It appears that the mainspring side of the string had a knot that went into the spring groove, but I can’t seem to figure out how to “wind” or “set” the spring for tension. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I can’t seem to locate a repair shop in our area. Thanks in advance!!

    1. I haven’t actually had to attach a drawband to the mainspring drum, so I don’t know exactly how it’s done, but there’s likely to be a hole that you’ll attach the string to either via a hook or by tying a knot in the string.

      Setting the spring tension is pretty easy. Just wind the drum around 4-5 times with your thumb, making sure the string winds around it correctly, then attach the string to the carriage. There should be a lever on the drum that you can use to ratches some tension out of the drum if it’s too tight. You’ll want the tension to be just tight enough to draw the carriage back freely, but not much tighter than that.

      1. Thanks Munk! Would it be possible to perhaps email me a picture of the band attached to the drum of your SC Silent? I’d like to get an idea of which direction it goes, and how long the string might be. Thanks again!!

        1. Ok, I’ll do a post tonight with some pictures. (:

  18. Hi there,

    With all of the Kennedy-ana on display over the past few days I’ve grown curious about some of the typewritten things I’ve seen. They seem to use proportional spacing, which I didn’t know about before, and the type design is quite lovely.

    I’d like to know more. Do you have any idea what typewriters were used for these, or the best place for me to investigate further to find out?




    1. In the early 60’s, the sort of higher-end proportional-spacing typewriters you would find in a government office would have been the IBM Executive and Olivetti Graphika. That typeface looks like a face you would probably find on an Executive.

      1. for reference, here is the operator’s manual for a late 50’s Executive:

        and here is an IBM catalog of the appropriate era, listing the models IBM sold, along with a catalog of typefaces available, including those available on the Executive model:

        1. Many thanks!

  19. Hello Munk,

    I stumbled across your site as I searched the interwebs for information about typewriters. I am looking for a typewriter to use everyday, something a little smaller and elegant, to get into the habit of writing without the crutch of a “backspace” key. I do not have any experience with typewriters, and was wondering if there was a particular model you might recommend to a rank novice, hoping to escape the oppressive realities of the backspace key and the option to “delete” wholesale. Thanks for your time and this interesting site!

    1. If you live in the States, one great choice is the plentiful and easy-to-find Smith-Corona manual portables from the 60’s right on back are great starter machines. From Speedlines and Super-5’s to Galaxies, they are a good mechanical design with a nice touch and are pretty rugged. Aesthetics can range from beautiful to poop-ugly, but they’re all pretty good performers. Olympias and Hermes are great choices if you can find/afford them. Underwoods from the 40’s and 50’s are good performers.

      If you want the smaller portables, I review my corral of those here:

      1. Thanks for the reply! I currently live in New York, so hopefully finding the makes and models you’ve suggested won’t be too difficult. Thanks again for taking a moment to respond, I really appreciate it!

  20. hey foolio.. send me an email msg. I will again be in your neck of the woods soon for one visit, and we must lay waste to the ‘armpit of the USA’.

  21. Hello,

    You hopefully know about this event already but I was browsing the web and cam across your site. Are or will or could you attend this event? We would love to have you!

    Thank You,

  22. Just like Gabriel, I came across your site while browsing the web. Your film technique and passion for photography have inspired me to develop my own film. I will be getting started upon the arrival of the paterson tank!

  23. Dear Mr Munk,

    Rob of Typewriter Heaven blog holds you in high regard when it comes to IBM machines – apparently you’re Dr Frankenstein of the Selectric world :) I have a Selectric III (196c to be exact – as it was known here in UK) which still shows some signs of life though the main function seems to be lost. It powers up, buzzes, can strike a letter though it does not advance the carriage. When it arrived the carriage was in the middle of the machine – on hitting the shift it marched to the left one step per hit and stayed there. Maybe you can – in your wisdom, experience and knowledge of these machines – find a solution to this problem please? It may not yet be the time for this boat anchor to go overboard…

    With kind regards

    1. Well, I’ve actually got my IBM learner’s permit, but the symptom your describing suggests:

      a) the motor’s good (turns on right away, yes?)
      b) the tilt/rotate tapes are good (strikes a letter, and the correct one?)

      Those two conditions being the case, almost everything else in a selectric is just a matter of finding out which of the 40 billion moving bits are too dirty and cleaning/oiling them. :D

      That’s about the extent of what I *know*, beyond that I’m just a “fiddle it clean until it works” sort of fellow. For further assistance, I’d recommend the Yahoo GolfBallTypewriterShop group, except that Yahoo seems to be broken:

      There are a bunch of ex-IBM service techs that hang out there and give great diagnosis and advice. I’ve relied on their expertise quite heavily.

      1. a) (yes)
        b) (correct)
        So there may be a light at the end of the tunnel (and not a train).
        O.K. – I will try the group then. Thank you very much for your help :)

        With kind regards

  24. Ted-

    Wanted to talk to you about something. I was playing with a catalog of my family’s typewriters, and I started racking the data through Tableau, and creating visualizations of things like weighting of manufacturers, weighting of owners by # of machines … and the thought crossed my mind, what about mapping the typewriter database data in these kinds of ways.

    I posted some of the quick-and-dirty visualizations here:

    Could be interesting!

    1. it could! note however, that I’m not strictly enforcing dates or model names, and only a handful of hunters have entered their entire collections, so the resulting data is unlikely to be meaningful – but it would be pretty (:

      1. Without controls, true, but it could also show some general trends and highlight things like the hunter’s favorite make/model/year. There’s a live web widget that I’m playing with now, that allows you to tweak the graphs based on the various dimensions of the data.

  25. I’m new at this, and I’m not a typewriter collector. But I would like to know the year my Smith-Corona Silent-Super (Floating Shift) was manufactured. Its serial number is 5T 122026, which I can’t find in the database. It was new when my brother-in-law got it in 1957 as a high school graduation gift, but perhaps it sat in inventory somewhere for a while before that. It has 42 keys (no One/Exclamation and no Equal/Plus keys). Has a wooden, boxy-looking case. Any thoughts? Thanks.

  26. Greetings!

    I own a typewriter that I really like and that I also use regularly. It’s a ServiType 80, and I found this site when I was trying to find some sort of manual or instructions on how to use it. Do you know anything about it? Maybe you can help me out with some things I cannot wrap my head around.

    Sincerely, Cevin.

    1. ok, that’s one I’ve never heard of. You have stumped a pro, although a link to a picture might have helped if the machine happened to be a rebranding of a more common manufacturer/model, which it likely is.

      1. Here are two pictures of it for you. What I’m wondering is how to save phrases to it, and how to write the section sign and the angle quotes. Hope you can help me out! http://imgur.com/a/qW73n

        1. hmmn, that’s one I’ve never seen before. The “Made in USA” label suggests Swintec (which still exists as a company)

  27. It’s all your fault. I was in a Goodwill last week and found a Brother GX-9750, very clean, for $5.99 with a senior discount. It is my 5th Brother WP, and great shape. Includes PCT, which I finally learned was Personal Check Typewriter. Also, my first typewriter to include a calculator with ability to paste to a document. I only wish it had a disk driver for unlimited storage. Love the sound when printing, reminds me of an old teletype.

    Phil, Phoenix, AZ

  28. Mr. Munk the typewriter expert! It appears you have wonderful information about and on all things typewriters. I am reaching out in hopes you might could help me?! I am desperately seeking a Smith Corona 5TE electric in NYC. Any leads or help would be most appreciated! Maybe you know some good “digging stores” around the area?? Thank you! Amy

    1. I have two 5TE’s, one elite, one script. However, I am nowhere near the Big City, so I know nothing of the scene in the concrete jungle. That’s Bat Country. Anyway, you may feast your eyes on mine:

  29. Greetings — I enjoy your site! I picked up a cheap $10 “President Deluxe” typewriter at the thrift store. After doing some searching on line, I still haven’t found any more information about this brand, years manufactured, etc. Would you know anything about it?

    Thank you!

    1. if it is a “Tower” President, then it was made by Smith-Corona and sold by Sears between the mid 1950’s to about the early 60’s.

  30. Hello, hope you are well!
    I stumbled on to your websitewhile I was looking for some information on typewriters.

    I am a writer from Mumbai, India… and I am on the verge of buying a typewriter.
    I’m getting a good deal on both the Brother Deluxe 750tr and the Olympia Traveller De Luxe. Both seem to be in good condition.
    The brother has a couple of extra features like the repeat spacer etc.

    I’m quite confused as to which one to go for … I am looking for a functional typewriter which will not be too tough to type on…and something that I could use for long periods of time.

    I will be grateful if you could get back to me asap as I am leaving town tomorrow and need to make a decision by then.

    Thank you so much for you time and eagerly awaiting a reply.


    1. I would recommend Brother over an Olympia Traveller for reliability. The Olympia is smaller, if that makes a difference.

      1. Thank you so much :)

  31. Hi there ~ I was just wondering what a brand new ASTROLOGY font ball would be worth?
    Thanks. ~ Sandy

    1. about $12 + shipping to me. Dunno about anyone else.

      1. Oh OK. I paid $30 for it 30+ years ago. I guess I might as well keep it. I realize it is kind of an oddball item. Thx.

        1. Yeah, see, I’d only want it to stick it in my little box full of different type balls and round out the collection. I don’t have much of a reason to use astrological symbols, so wouldn’t use it much. Someone who did, though – like you, judging from your email domain, would have greater actual use for it and would pay more. I have seen some balls (like GP Calligraphy) go for upwards of $100, but that one is far rarer than GP Astrology, and is arguably more useful to a wider group of buyers.

  32. Hi! You have so much useful information here! (and on TWDB) I’m doing research on old (pre courier era) typewriter typefaces for an upcoming typeface design and it’s been rather difficult to find any information on the typefaces used, or available on different machines in the early 1900’s. Can you recommend any resources for finding information about the names, or designers of older typefaces? Finding all of the specimens here have been helpful!

    Thank you!

  33. Yo, Rev!
    Somebody needs to know about this.
    Spoke with the lady, Bettie, earlier today. This collection belonged to her Grandfather, who had a typewriter repair shop. He recently moved and asked her to dispense with it.
    Is there somewhere you can recommend posting this treasure trove?
    Thanks, an avid follower.

  34. HELP!!!

    I am looking for someone to help me recover data from some old trs-80 cassettes and floppy disks. I’d appreciate any help finding someone to do this….


    1. sorry, I cannot help. I’ve only played with my own machines, and don’t do this as a service. For starters though, you should always be specific as to what exactly you have to work with. TRS-80’s came in numerous flavors/OS’s and CPU’s, with mostly incompatible file formats. You could be wanting 8″ TRS-80 Model 16 MINIX disks read for all I know. :D

  35. Hi,
    I came across this post while researching a typewriter I recently bought from an antique store:

    I actually am not able to find any info on the specific typewriter I bought and it wasn’t until I found that post that I was able to get some answers about the ribbon. Just wondering, is the black/white correction ribbon still produced? Or would I have to opt for buying the black/red combo to be able to replace it? Mine currently has the b/w in it but I’m not sure how much use there is left in it…its pretty cool though.

    Another thing, I mentioned before that I’m not able to find info on the specific typewriter I have. On the front panel (with the brand name) it says “Brother Cassette 805 correct-o-riter”
    Any insight as to what the “805” means?

    I’ll try to remember to keep checking this page for a response but if its easier to correspond, you can email me at tracey.kjonegaard@gmail.com

    Thanks for any insight you can provide!!


    1. Yes, black/white ribbons are commonly produced still, a quick search on google or ebay will get you several online sellers. You can use the ribbons that come on normal spools, just as I did in that tutorial. I wouldn’t normally advise people to use correction ribbons (the white stuff flakes off and gets inside the machine, gumming stuff up), but yours kind of requires it if you want to use the correction feature.

      As for the 805, I don’t know anything about that model offhand. at a rough guess it’s a JP-10 or 12, maybe 800 series with a 15″ platen? The serial number will guide you to when it was made:

      1. Hello Munk! I got a comment about my Olympia EC 2 typewriter and figured it was you, since their profile had the name Munk in the description. My situation has changed and I was wondering if you’d like to have that machine for keeps? Send me an email (through my profile) if you’re interested!

  36. I have an Olympia Splendid 33 (with a QWERTY keyboard) that I cannot find in your database it has the Serial Number 5-1676619. Do you have any idea as to the year of manufacture?

    Any help appreciated :)

  37. Thank you :)

  38. I was wondering if you have a IBM selectric composer you would sell?

  39. I’d like to contribute to the Typewriter database, but am not interested in joining. I’m not a collector in any sense, but did inherit a 1912(?) Remington that I’m cleaning up and will be donating to an local museum. When I’m done cleaning I can send pictures. The registration number is 238963. It has an Icelandic typeface – used in Manitoba, Canada where there’s was and is a considerable Icelandic presence. No contact on that site, but was a link to this one. Suggestions?

    1. you can email the photos to archivist@typewriterdatabase.com and I’ll be happy to upload them (:

      1. I’ll be in touch. Thanks.

  40. Reverend Munk,

    Would you know of any websites where collectors can meet one another? I looked on meet up but I didn’t see anything for typewriter collectors in the Atlanta area. Appreciate any suggestions.


    1. I would suggest the Facebook Antique Typewriters group:

  41. Hello munk,

    i found one typewriter in my garage and its so heavy. i think its from 1945 or under. may i send u a pic to know this version and information.


  42. Hello Reverend,
    Just found a Royal 470 11 9940318. Can you tell me what type of Royal it is?

    1. it’s a Bates, dunno what model. (:

  43. Hey Rev!

    I noticed on Typewriter Database you have an Adler Tippa for parts. Would you part with a small linkage?


    1. Ugh, I actually had a matched pair of 1964’s, only like 30 serials apart. I gave ’em both away last week as a set, so I no longer have it as a parts machine.. /:

      1. Bummer… thanks the same Rev. ;)

  44. My Good Reverend,

    Please note updated URL:


    Thank you!

  45. Hi! I have a question regarding the serial numbers of the Williams Type 2 model: how can I contact you?
    Thanks in advance

  46. Hello Ted, I have a question about a Royal Companion. It is CD88 – 139013. What does the “88” mean? What year is it from?
    Thank you very much

  47. Hi Rev. I’m new to typewriters (but not to writing) and I just got a BEAUTIFUL Olympia SM-3 in olive green, a 1957 — I know because got it from the original owner, who is 70 years old and got it from her father as a present when she was 10! It is immaculate and profound. Except for one problem.

    It types beautifully until about the middle of the carriage, when it stops at the place where it would be stuck if you set the “carriage lock” button. No problem going back to the left margin again, but it catches right there in the middle every time. Any ideas?

    And thank you for the generosity of spirit in all you posts! And I am ordering your Olympia repair Bible!

    1. Generally, the first thing I check on an Oly SM carriage-shifter is the frame-mount washers. These are pretty much always calcified and squished, and you should replace those before trying to diagnose further. see here:

  48. Hello Munk, are your repair bibles still in print?

    1. will be soon. should have the first one proofed by Monday.

      1. Okay great, I’m working on a ’53 Smith-Corona Sterling and could use it!

        1. Here you go!
          The Smith-Corona Floating Shift Typewriter Repair Bible is now available! 334 Pages, Professionally printed and coil bound to lay flat on your work table.

          Smith-Corona “Floating Shift” User Manuals
          Complete 1947 and 1951 Service, Troubleshooting and Adjustment Manuals Covering Portable Manual Typewriters:
          Smith-Corona Squareline (Flat-top), Speedline and Super-5 Series – Standard, Clipper, Sterling, Silent and Silent-Super
          Complete 1955 Tools and Exploded Parts Reference Manual Covering Portable Manual Typewriters:
          Smith-Corona Squareline (Flat-top), Speedline and Super-5 Series – Standard, Clipper, Sterling, Silent and Silent-Super
          Reference Catalog: Smith-Corona Typewriter Typefaces and Keyboards
          Illustrated Smith-Corona “Floating Shift” Model Age Guide


  49. Hi! I couldn’t find a contact form, but I see people use this as one.

    I was curious what was the status of the OOPRAP project? There are many pages of incredibly exciting thumbnails, but as far as I can see all the PDF links are 404. The welcome page itself mentions something about two documents being released as an upcoming “Final Release #001,” but no date is attached.

    Am I being confused and is there a way to access these or other PDFs right now? I’m a researcher and I would love to check them out. Thanks for the answer!

    1. Here you go!

      If you need agelists rather than repair docs, those are in the TWDB library, you’ll need to be a Typewriter Hunter member to get at them.

      1. Thanks! I was particularly interested in some documents on this page: http://munk.org/projects/ooprap/training.html

  50. Hi Rev Munk! I hope I can ask you a question about the Olympia “S” SM4 typewriter (#1735016). I’ve googled for too long and still found nothing. The font is in large uppercase and small uppercase. i have NEVER seen that before. I looked at the letter arms and there are NO smaller case letters. do you know what that’s about? I’m thanking you in advance :)

  51. Hey Reverend Munk, did you ever get a manual for your 1989 Brother Professional 90 (CX-90). I got the same one, but I can’t get a manual and I tried some of the sites advertised on this page and online and I now have 2 PDFs of just the front cover of the manual for about $10, not a great deal. The unit is very nice, I just wish I could fully utilize all of the functions.

    1. nope, but I’m more interested in the manual for the computer interface box. Still haven’t figured out the DIP switch settings.

  52. Greetings, Reverend Munk:

    I very much enjoy your site and the many places on-line that you appear, exhibiting your broad knowledge of all things typewriters. I recently became fascinated with them and would appreciate your assistance with an issue I’ve just brought to my office with me from a neighbor’s garage….

    I came home with a very nice 1948 Royal Arrow. Black & grey, just as it would appear in a movie of the same vintage. She’s in good shape, esthetically and mostly mechanically. After cleaning her up (some cob webs and enough pencil eraser shavings to recreate a few new ones) and lubing the rails a bit, all seems close to being ready to carry on with writing my memoirs. Need to adjust the type alignment some, and then the challenge I’m now coming to you about…the space bar is sticky and is in need of help. I just don’t know what to look for and what solutions might be the most likely. Can you please provide some insights and wisdom so that I can get to writing?

    Many thanks!

    1. I could, except I’m far too annoyed that you posted a repair question on my “About” page. (grrrrr)

      well, all right, I’ll give you a hint:

      However, I’m shutting off comments for the “About” post, because you guys really are not grokking the concept of “on topic commenting”. Off-topic commenting and worse, tying to email me with a repair question is basically saying “I only want an answer that’s helpful to *ME*, and screw anyone else who needs the info”, and I really feel strongly that I should (and normally do) just ignore those questions. Posting on-topic allows other people to see the solutions on the proper post that comes up in a search. Be kind, stay on-topic. (:

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