Chandler Type-In – Saturday June 9, 2018

YES! {insert air guitar solo, a really ripping Glenn Branca style cacophony of multi-layered atonal scream backed with tube amplifier harmonics and subsonic bass.} Why am i so happy, you ask? The Quirky Qwerty, previously known as Jeremiah, (but now that he has joined the ranks of the Typosphere, he gets his chosen Typecaster Name, […]

Vintage Laptop Collecting?

Hmmn, looks like I have a collection of vintage laptops now. I never really thought about it because I only bought the one Thinkpad T21 at a thrift store, and the rest have been given to me because they “didn’t work” in some way or were replaced by newer machines and weren’t wanted anymore. The […]

Silly Scope Music

In 1989 I had a VHS camera, an old 1960’s tube Oscilloscope and a song to play through it to watch the squiggly green lines jump around. This is the result: The title bit is at the end, and is built from the intro to “Krazy Kitty Overdrive“, a 1990 VHS video letter I made […]

This Typecast Brought to You by the Letters: UN-10-L

“Mothra” 1972 Selectric Composer Model 6251 @ TWDB Lyrics (Yuji Koseki) Mosura ya Mosura dongan kasakuyan indoo muu rosuto uiraadoa, hanba hanbamuyan randa banunradan tounjukanraa kasaku yaanmu Mosura ya Mosura yasashisasae wasure arehateta hito no kokoro inorinagara utai, ai no uta Mothra oh Mothra Hear our call for you to save us over time, over […]

Stapler of the Week: 1936 Bostitch B5

Ahh, the venerable, tank-like Bostitch B5 stapler. I remember using these in school back in the 1970’s, but the version that my school used was the battleship grey wrinkle painted ones from the 50’s. Interestingly, Bostitch seems to have followed the painting scheme used by Royal typewriters, where they used black wrinkle paint in the […]